Pimp My AK47: C39V2 Edition!

Second episode in Pimp My AK47 series, this time I’m taking on C39V2!

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9 responses to “Pimp My AK47: C39V2 Edition!”

  1. Hector Avatar

    For slings, I went, with a real original (1) Russian canvas type Mosin Nagant 91-30 & (2) real original AK Hungarian leather. Shipped from the Russian factory & Hungary surplus Army.

  2. Chris W Avatar

    How is the new bolt holding up ? Is the cracks continuing to grow ??

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      It is still going man, but i don’t shoot it a lot now…no time

      1. Michael Avatar

        Well like a fool without doing research I bought one of the c39v2 had other milled receiver aks 15 years ago and lost them in a nasty divorce so I wanted another now I am stuck with this one unless I want to let it go taking a 50% hit it is unfired do you think if I put in a deferent bolt carrier and bolt it will hold up

  3. Michael Avatar

    Well like a fool without doing research I bought one of the c39v2 had other milled receiver aks 15 years ago and lost them in a nasty divorce so I wanted another now I am stuck with this one unless I want to let it go taking a 50% hit it is unfired do you think if I put in a deferent bolt carrier and bolt it will hold up

  4. Oli Avatar

    Any other options for handguard other than moe magpul? I have the c39 v1 but dont see any more than 1 video on the v1

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      I honestly have no idea. V1 was discontinued long time ago…

  5. Wayne Avatar

    Would you have a rough idea what your round count has gotten to on your c39v2?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      After 5k was finished i haven’t shot it much…less than 7k for sure now.

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