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5 responses to “AK47 USER GUIDE – PART 2”

  1. Brian Avatar

    Hey Rob, thanks for all the videos. Because of your videos ive become an even bigger fan of this rifle. I just figured something out that im not sure if it is widespread knowledge. I have an arsenal sgl20 with a lot of rounds through it and was worried about the extractor. Ive had american rifles that have broken before. I couldnt find any saiga 7.62 parts anywhere. But I noticed the vepr extractor looked the same. I ordered one and it looks identical and cycles the ammo. Is there anything else I should be concerned with running this thing?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Yes, this is basically the same part. It should work man.

  2. Jimmy Avatar

    very detailed info – excellent demo

  3. Eugene Avatar

    Rob is the AK user guide part 2 posted anywhere else. I see it’s been deleted from YouTube. I’m new to the platform and your user guide videos have been extremely helpful. Thank you for the valuable instruction.

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Yes, YouTube deleted it…hands down. Here is link to it on vimeo: https://vimeo.com/273768265

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