WASR10, Zastava and Arsenal: Import and Pricing Update! + RF AR15 followup…

WASR10, Zastava and Arsenal: Import and Pricing Update! + RF AR15 followup…

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5 responses to “WASR10, Zastava and Arsenal: Import and Pricing Update! + RF AR15 followup…”

  1. Gibby Avatar

    What’s the difference between O-PAP and N-PAP?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      OPAP has thicker receiver

  2. Travis R. Avatar
    Travis R.

    Hi Rob,
    Atlantic has 3 Romanian AKs in stock–WASR10, RH10, and their surplus battlefield pickups. I want a Romanian and think the battlefield surplus are really cool, but is the surplus Romanian as good as the new WASR or RH?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Only difference between surplus and new is, that surplus was used on guard duty..that’s it. I wouldn’t buy RH10 if regular wasr is available.

      1. Travis R Avatar
        Travis R

        Thanks Rob! That helps a lot.

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