AK to M4 Stock Adapter by Rifle Dynamics (Gen II)

AK to M4 stock adapter
AK to M4 stock adapter

I’m using the original AK to M4 Stock Adapter by Rifle Dynamics for a long time, but recently I have received their Gen II of this product. There are few major changes to it when compared to Gen I.  First, RD includes now shims for 2 main screws – this was done to prevent possibility of over-torqueing screws. It is worth to note, that on my AKM, I had to slightly file these shims because they created gap between receiver and the adapter. No big deal, since these are made of polymer, they are easy to work on. But most important change was applied to the angle in which stock adapter sits on the rifles now.

AK to M4 stock adapter
AK to M4 Stock Adapter

That angle dropped little bit – this was done because with previous generation, some users complained that stock was sitting little too high and they couldn’t use irons in comfortable manner. When it wasn’t really a problem for me, I do understand where people are coming from on this issue. New version of RD M4 stock adapter solves this problem and your cheek will sit lower now. However this may pose problems for those with smaller bones in their faces and they may have to use cheek riser if necessary. We are made differently by God, so it is hard to keep everyone happy…;-)
We do offer RD M4 stock adapter at Union discount price at our store.
Below is our older review of this product.
– Rob Ski

YouTube video

And this is how my AKM clone looks like it with it now.

Polish AKM clone
Polish AKM clone Click to enlarge

113 responses to “AK to M4 Stock Adapter by Rifle Dynamics (Gen II)”

  1. Ken Avatar

    Hi Rob,
    I was wondering what stock adapter you are using.
    I saw where you were using the rifle dynamics adapter, but I have also seen photos of vltor stock adapter being used.
    Which do you prefer ? The vltor seems to be a more solid unit. Any thoughts ?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Ken, personally, I prefer to use RD stock adapter, because it gives me more options. I can use different end plates for sling attachments and etc. Also, you can close stock to almost very end of the tube.

      1. Nathen Avatar

        Will this adapter work for the SDS lynx 12?

        1. Rob Ski Avatar
          Rob Ski

          I honestly don’t know, it wasn’t test it for it.

  2. Andrews Avatar

    Is there anywhere that the gen 1 adapter is still available?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Please check with Rifle Dynamics. They may have some “leftovers”…

  3. Tom Avatar

    I have a milled arsenal inc Sam-7 but this adapter says it won’t work on milled ak’s. Is there any ak m4 stock adapters that will work on a milled ak?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Tom, for milled receiver you can get adapter tube (aluminium) from TDi Arms.

      1. Zan Avatar

        The akssa from TDI is for stamped receivers. I’m still searching for a milled receiver to m4 adaptor. I’ll let you know if I find anything.

        1. Terence Tirona Avatar
          Terence Tirona

          Anything for us milled ak users? I have a Sam 7 as well.

          1. Rob Ski Avatar
            Rob Ski

            Check TDI Arms – they have yube with adapter for milled receivers.

          2. Carlos Avatar

            Did you happen to check TDI Arms and see if the tube fits those with Sam7r-66.
            Milled folks Have limited options and I don’t was to saw off the tang

          3. Rob Ski Avatar
            Rob Ski

            TDI says it will, but you have to modify rifle…

    2. Adrian palmer Avatar
      Adrian palmer

      Yea circle 10 has one and jmacs custom

      1. Jacob Avatar

        Hey rob looking to change up my wood stock to a m4 and was curious between the two which do you prefer the rifle dynamics or the definitive arms?

        1. Rob Ski Avatar
          Rob Ski

          I use Definitive Arms adapters on all my guns.

  4. James Ryan Avatar
    James Ryan

    Does this adapter take commercial or mil spec buffer tubes??

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      It can take either one.

  5. lynn Avatar

    I have a Norinco MAK90 and have wanted to use the RD akm4 adapter. I understand the receiver is larger and it will not work. Have you heard of anyone grinding it down to fit or do you have any recommendations on a m4 adapter that will work?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      No, i haven’t seen mod like this…sorry.

  6. brian Avatar

    my screws for my stock adapter have broken. Is there a way that i can purchase replacement screws so that i don’t have to replace the whole stock adapter?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Brian, please email me: ak74ski@comcast.net
      I have spare screws, i will mail you some…;-)

  7. JCamacho Avatar

    Hi Rob
    Will these fit saiga rifles 47 and 74

  8. Chris Avatar

    I have a rifle length buffer tube and a Magpul MOE fixed rifle stock. Will this adapter work with with this set up since it doesn’t use an end plate?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      You need to have end plate to prevent tube from rotating…

      1. Chris Avatar

        For an M4 buffer tube yes. I was wondering if I can use an A1 style buffer tube with an A1 style stock. Which does not use an end plate rather the stock itself fits into the receiver. Sorry if my question wasn’t clear.

  9. Ethan Avatar

    Yo Rob Ski,

    Where can you find replacement screws for the RD Adapter? I would like to have some spares because it is only a matter of time…

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      You can get it from local Ace Hardware store or from Rifle Dynamics.

  10. Trace Nuckles Avatar
    Trace Nuckles

    is there a stock adapter I can use on my milled c 39? I want to put a 6 position stock on it and am having trouble finding anything that will work. I want to level the gun out and bring my cheek weld up for a better eye relief.

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Check with TDi Arms. They used to have tube adapter for milled receiver.

  11. Dave Avatar

    Will this fit century arms zastava npap m70?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      No, sorry, it will not fit Yugos.

  12. Mark Avatar

    Is there a stock adapter that I can use on my Polish underfloder AK-47?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Yes, Definitive Arms working on one.

  13. Kevin Wagner Avatar
    Kevin Wagner

    Hello Rob

    This is my first time to post. I just bought a C39v2. And I would like to know which M4 adapter to use to convert to a M4 type stock? Also which buffer tube and stock do you prefer?

    Thank you

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      You can use either Canis or Rifle Dynamics. Use mil spec tube.

      1. Kevin Wagner Avatar
        Kevin Wagner


        The Rifle Dynamics web site says the adapter doesn’t fit milled receivers.

        1. Rob Ski Avatar
          Rob Ski

          They will fit into C39V2.

  14. Erick Avatar

    Will this one work for the century arms C39 V2 AK?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Yes, it should.

  15. John Avatar

    Will this adapter work for century arms ras47?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski


  16. Alex Avatar

    Will this work on VEPR rifles, I was going to use the canis but they are always sold out and I’m impatient..

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      No, Vepr has slant back…

  17. Camilo Avatar

    Hi Guys, will this fit my AK47 SDM ??
    i would like to put the Zenitco B30, B31 and B33 plus the Rifle dynamics on my SDM, but before i buy all this i would like to know if the zenitco rails will fit….

    Thank you

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Who makes it? Could you email me pics to ak74ski@comcast.net ?

    2. Sascha Avatar

      Hi Camilo,

      Did you find out if the Zenit Rails and this stock adapter will fit an SDM AK47 rifle?

      Kind Regards,

  18. Zan Avatar

    Hey Rob,

    Riflestocks.com, ACE Ltd. has an, “AK milled receiver block”. The product code is AKRBB and the sku# is A543. Not sure if that is an araptor for m4 tubes.

  19. George Avatar

    Hi, If I was to fit a Magpul UBR Gen 2 to a MAC-90, which adapted would you recommend..? I’d prefer the Zuhkov and some dremmel time but folding stocks aren’t permitted….
    Keep up the great work..

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Man, try to talk to ACE. They used to make adapters for MAC if my memory serves well.

      1. George Avatar


  20. Pete Avatar

    Will this fit a saiga .308 AK?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      If .308 saiga is taking regular furniture than yes

  21. Jeff Avatar

    Hey Rob!
    I was just wondering if you still recommend this product (the RD Ak to M4 stock adapter). I’ve noticed you no longer have it in your store. Was Interested in getting one but if you don’t recommend anymore then I will pass.
    Thanks Looking forward to your comment!

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Canis has better solution. We used to have them as well, but they are hard to get these days…

  22. smw Avatar

    Love the videos bro freaking awesome! Just got into the AK realm. Arsenal sam7-66 milled. Trying to find a good stock adapter which lines up good with the receiver. Instead of the slope as I’ve seen in many others after the mispec buffer tube is placed. I’ve looked on different sights but I guess I dont know what I’m looking for. So any help would be appreciated!
    Keep up the good work!

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      For milled receivers, try to check ACE or TDI arms, they used to have adapters for these.

      1. smw Avatar

        Thanks robski!

  23. Brent Avatar

    Rob, I see all the questions about a milled receiver m4 adaptor. I cant seem to find one anywhere either. Just wondering if there was any new information as to where I could find one. (SAM-7) Thanks!

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Check with company name ACE or TDI Arms.

  24. Brandon McKinley Avatar
    Brandon McKinley

    Rob Ski, Will this adapter work on a Fime group FM-AK47-11 VEPR? I just put one on layaway because of your clash of the Titans series.

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Not without mods.

  25. Josh Moody Avatar
    Josh Moody

    will this work on square cut vepr. purchasing one in 5.45 and the back of the reciever is square not slant cut.

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Negative. I made it fit, but i had to work on it. Vepr has thicker receiver, so you have to take material out. Also from the locking nut, because of the location of pistol grip nut.

      1. Josh Moody Avatar
        Josh Moody

        so which adaptor would you recomend to put an m4 stock on the square reciever vepr? i cant find any information anywere.

  26. Mr Miller Avatar
    Mr Miller

    Hey Rob Ski, I have a FEG SA-85M. Do you Know if the RD gen 2 will fit?

    1. Mr Miller Avatar
      Mr Miller

      Or can you recommend a better solution?

    2. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Email me pics, let’s see which version you have: ak74ski@comcast.net

    3. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      No idea

  27. Drew Avatar


    First, thank you for your YouTube vids. Great stuff. Informative & entertaining. Second, I just bought an Arsenal SAM7r and have run into the same problem with attempting to find an adapter for milled Arsenal aks… I checked TDI and Ace. Yes.. both companies offer adaptors or stocks for them BUT neither will work without cutting at least one of the down ANGLED tangs. The only ones I’ve seen are cheap garbage (from companies no serious shooter would buy from) that make the AK look like Frankenstein and/or angle the stock down at similar angle to the tangs.

    So… are there no good options that don’t involve us SAM7 owners taking a hack saw to our expensive Bulgarians?

    That said

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Yep, you either make a cut or you will not put anything else on it…

    2. Carlos Avatar

      Drew your concern is identical to mine I just bought a Sam7r 66 and can’t buy anything without cutting tang off which I don’t want to do. I Canis Design has a angled adapter that might work. Problem is that they are out of stock and they don’t answer phone calls or return emails
      Good luck

  28. Anthony Quirello Avatar
    Anthony Quirello

    Hey Rob I’ve got a 1960 model polish milled century arms receiver. I’m trying to change the buttstock but the caa buffer tube that was recommended didn’t work. It’s only got the upper tang and a flat back with no slant. I seem to be throwing money out the window! Please help!

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      I have no idea man, what Century did. This isn’t copy of the original receiver for sure…

  29. Frank Avatar

    Hey Rob Ski…..always a fan my good man….just curious….i picked up a Definitive Arms adapter (I always shop local seeing i live 25 minutes from them in Clearwater, FL)….would you consider it better than the Canis and RD adapters?….Thanks sir!

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Stronger and simpler than RD – not even a question. Equally good as Canis. Problem with canis is that this company disappears for months…nobody knows what is going on with them.

  30. Buck Belflower Avatar
    Buck Belflower

    Hey Rob,
    The Definitive Arms does not work on the new FM series of Veprs because the rear trunnion doesnt have the hole slot in it. and with the Canis being permanently out of stock is the Rifle Dynamics a good choice until I can find a Canis on the market?
    By the way I have the RD adapter on my FM-Vepr right now and it didn’t take any modification.

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      I’m using DA adapter on Vepr – it works with fork trunnions, but because vepr receiver i thicker, i had modified it to fit. Both Canis and DA adapters have better construction than RD. That’s all it is.

    2. Ryan Avatar

      Just to clarify, I’m buying this VEPR (FM-AK47-11)
      Does the Definitive Arms M4 stock adapter work on this one?

      1. Rob Ski Avatar
        Rob Ski

        Hi, not without mods. You have to trim sides of the adapter slightly and take off from locking nut on the top and the bottom.

  31. Ryan Avatar

    Please add to my previous post: “If not which adapter will I need to buy?”

  32. Carlos Avatar

    Has anyone figured out who accommodates the Arsenal Sam7rregarding the m4 adapter? Please don’t say TDI cause they don’t fit

  33. Drew Avatar

    Okay… so cutting the lower tang is not that big a deal since it’s not part of the milled receiver — the upper tang is. When ACE has the external receiver block back in stock that’s the way to go since it does not require the upper tang to be removed. Now I’m wondering how strong the Ace external receiver block is — with a fixed stock attached it would seem that the weakest point in the rifle is the attachment point between the block and the receiver — or is it the weakest point the two screw attachment point between the Ace block and the stock.

    Why can’t Arsenal make the SAM7sf folding stock available for sale by itself? Why are the Arsenal milled rifles — arguably (but please… lets not…I’m sure all your AKs are far cheaper and vastly superior) some of the best put together AKs relegated to the either the plastic Kvar fixed stocks or aftermarket Frankenstein creations?

    – Drew

  34. Tony Avatar

    Hey Rob, thanks for all the great vids brother!!! Besides trimming on the DA stock adapter for Vepr FM, do I need to do any other mods? Do we just trim enough for it to be a strong tight fit? No screwing or tightening?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      You need to trim also locking lug on the bottom and from top.

  35. Andrew Avatar

    Rob, what is the best M4 stock adapter to use on a flat cut Vepr FM-11 AK 74? Is anything out there designed to fit the tighter RPK receiver?

  36. Uziel Avatar

    I haven’t tried that, but I have gotten other stuff from the union store. Quick, spot on delivery.

  37. Scott Avatar

    I have ask this before(a few years ago)and forgot to reply to your email. I have a yugo M70 npap with a low serial number, lower than 3500. How do I find more info concerning if it was a conversion from a military rifle into the civilian sporter model or if it was built in this configuration? There are a few spots on the reciever that look like there where rivets ( but now are sealed off ) Can send you pics thru email if possible.

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Try to email Zastava. They do reply back!

  38. Charles Weaver Avatar
    Charles Weaver

    I have a yugo m70 milled underfolder. Is there any way to go to a fixed or sidefolder with this milled receiver rifle? Would like to get the magpul ak stock or convert to m4 buffer tube.

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Check with company ACE. they used to make some adapters. Or TDI Arms

  39. Travis Muse Avatar
    Travis Muse

    im looking for a stock adapter for a slant cut vepr receiver an a stock don’t want a folding stock I want something solid…

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Check if you can find Canis adapter somewhere…

  40. chris Avatar

    Is CANIS Design Group even still around? I see they have adapters in stock and a website, but their social media accounts havent been updated in nearly a year for facebook and 2015 or so for instagram.

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      I don’t think so, I think they are out for good…

  41. Kiber Avatar

    Will this work on the ak47 Draco pistol?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski


  42. chris young Avatar
    chris young

    Sir, Do you sell an M-4 butt stock adapyor for a straight cut MAK 90? (Definitive Arms seems to be out of business–suggestions?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Nope, sorry. Check with company name ACE – i think they used to have some…

    2. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      No, we have nothing for it

  43. Matthew Avatar

    I’ve scrolled thru all the comments and I didn’t see what I was looking for so I’ll ask you this. Recently picked up a PSA AK and wanted to know if this adapter worked with their tooling on the stamped receiver they mfg’d.

  44. Darryl Avatar

    Going to put adapter on my AK47, what is your thoughts on the Vltor adapter. Thanks for your help

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Vltor will work! But i heard news that they are dropping out from producing them…

  45. Christopher Jennings Avatar
    Christopher Jennings

    What none folding adapter do you suggest for the WBP rifles

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Chris, you can easily modify Definitive Arms adapter, but it would require to grind off that latch on the top of rear trunnion…

  46. Christopher Dunn Avatar
    Christopher Dunn

    Hey Rob…….I have an Arsenal SLR 107 CR (Side Folder Left) I would like to convert to an M4 type butt stock w/ adjustable stock lengths, better ergonomics, folding right ext. I have not seen a stock adapter that mentions specific compatibility w/my Arsenal SLR 107 CR left side folder……can you advise…..thanks for your time!

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Check with JmacCustom. I think they have adapters for it.

  47. juan perez Avatar
    juan perez

    im having trouble finding adapter for my milled bulgarian at to magpull furniture /everyone i searched is out of stock

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Supply chains are literally down now because of coronavirus…

  48. Dan Meade Avatar
    Dan Meade

    Hi Rob

    So I’ve seen several times that these don’t work with the Chinese rifles.
    I’ve acquired an NHM-90, wich seems to be an oddball among the Chinese AKs. Seems like a pretty standard receiver, and fits the Magpul MOE stock just fine.
    Do you know the specific reason the RD adapter doesn’t generally work on the Chinese rifles?
    Are there any good alternatives to consider?

    Thank you.

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      You have to look for NHM90 specific adapters, NHM90 isn’t compatible with accessories from AKM / AK74 style rifles.

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