AK Muzzle Devices – Top 6 (Part 1)

This is recap from our Video – Episode 3 Muzzle Devices (Part 1).

YouTube video

Recently we have tested first 6 AK muzzle devices in order to find the best one. Our non scientific test is based on 3 main events: so called “dark room test” to measure flash hiding capabilities; side pressure wave test to measure impact on operators in close proximity to the muzzle device and finally muzzle climb test, which was very subjective test based on quick shooting of 3 rounds on target. We have also collected all the data, like physical measurements, weight and prices to give you better whole picture of the subject. Below is our first Top 6 list. The winner of this competition will be put against another 5 muzzle devices in our future episodes.

Standard AK Brake
Standard AK Brake

6.  Standard AK muzzle brake

Weight: 103 grams (3.6 oz)

Length: 81.59 mm (3.21″)

Price: $70

Recoil control: 2.75/5 (higher score is better)




SRVV Jet Brake
SRVV Jet Brake

5. SRVV Jet Brake

Weight: 172 grams (6.1 oz)

Length: 89.9 mm (3.53″)

Price: $75

Recoil control: 4.5/5



DTK Bulgarian
DTK Bulgarian

4. DTK Bulgarian

Weight: 206 grams (7.2 oz)

Length: 81.8 mm (3.22″)

Price: $90

Recoil control: 2.75/5



Manticore Night Brake
Manticore Night Brake

3. Manticore Night Brake

Weight: 92 grams (3.2 oz)

Length: 62.2 mm (2.45″)

Price: $49.95

Recoil control: 4.5/5



Manticore Night Shroud
Manticore Night Shroud

2. Manticore Night Shroud

Weight: 92 grams (3.2 oz)

Length: 63.4 mm (2.49″)

Price: $39.95

Recoil control: 2.75/5



Krebs Custom Flash Hider
Krebs Custom Flash Hider

1. Krebs Custom Flash Hider

Weight: 85 grams (3.0 oz)

Length: 65.74 mm (2.58″)

Price: $75

Recoil control: 2.75/5


– Rob Ski

41 responses to “AK Muzzle Devices – Top 6 (Part 1)”

  1. Charles Martellus Avatar

    I really appreciate your youtube channel and what you’re doing with the blog/website. Keep up the great work!

  2. Isaac Chavez Avatar
    Isaac Chavez

    I love the all AK all the time aspect of AKOUL 47-74. After serving in the Marine Corps with an M16, all my personal weapons are AK based. I noticed that the PWS FSC47 wasn’t tested for this comparison though. I think you should look into it. I run those on all my guns and it makes the 7.62×39 shoot softer than a 556.

    1. Dean Avatar

      Hi Isaac does your fsc pull the pull to the side after each shot?

      I had a JTAC and it reduced recoil but it pulled my barrel to the right after each shot

  3. Aaron Avatar

    I really like the comparisons. Very informative. I’d really like to see a comparison with the FSC-47 as stated above as well as an AK Battlecomp and the Spikes’ Dynacomp. I’m looking for the best compromise of flash hiding and muzzle control I can get for an upcoming 308 AK variant build.

  4. Christopher Dunn Avatar
    Christopher Dunn

    I have an SLR 107 CR w/ a Knock off Tapco compensater similar to the the one Arsenal uses on the SLR 107 FR. The barrel is threaded for a total distance of 1/2 an inch. I want to install the SRVV Jet Brake. How much of the barrel should be threaded? I want to keep overall length of the rifle to a minimum The CR has front site on gas block not on the end of the barrel

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      There is around 15mm of thread inside Jet Brake. Hope this helps.

  5. jeffery Torres Avatar
    jeffery Torres

    do the DTK “bulgarian” flash hiders cause overgas issues in 5.45 aks?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Personally, i have not experience any problems when using DTK Bulgarian on my 74 clones…That’s all i can say about it. I’m not using this muzzle device now, because there are other, equally effective and lighter one available…

      1. William Ruffer Avatar
        William Ruffer

        Rob, thank you for your thorough analysis. I plan primarily to hunt hogs at night with my 7.62×39 rifle, so no real issues with side blast. I would prefer to tame the recoil/muzzle climb to some extent, otherwise I would choose the Krebs Flash Hider. In 14×1 lh thread, what’s my best choice in a muzzle device?

        1. Rob Ski Avatar
          Rob Ski

          Try to find Zenit DTK2

  6. Addison Avatar

    I just ordered a Jet break from circle 10 for 5.45x39mm, I have been using the standard chrome lined 74M break. Couple questions, does anyone use the Jet Break with corrosive surplus and how does it hold up? Also how does the Jet break compare to the Rifle Dynamics Venom break (the $200 one)?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      You have to wash it after each use with corrosive ammo or rust will get on it quickly. As for comparing to RD Venom brake, i take Venom over SRVV.

  7. Manny Hernandez Avatar
    Manny Hernandez

    First i would like to tell you that i am learnig a lot about the AK with your excellent videos… Now my question is.. I just recently bought a SAM7R-66 Ak (Bulgarian miled receiver)… Can i install a collapsible stock (AR-15 style) on this milled rifle?… Can you help me to find the parts that i need in order to do this?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Yes you can. There is company TDi Arms, they offer tube adapter for milled receivers, then you can add to it collapsible stock of your choice. It is going to look similar to this: https://www.facebook.com/AkOperatorsUnion/photos/pb.656164651082484.-2207520000.1417009636./881679048531042/?type=3&theater

  8. frank Avatar

    hi rob ski, I have a question……..I have purchased and installed the jet brake on my Yugo m70 and I like that it has reduced recoil greatly! however it is short cycling now. any thoughts or cures for this…….thanks frank

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Are you sure that this is happening because of the brake? If so, just get rid of the brake…your rifle may not have enough gas to cycle. Also, what ammo you were running on it?

      1. frank Avatar

        No problems before brake installed…..was shooting silver bear and golden tiger. Shoots two rounds then short cycles on third also a slam fire occasionally thanks for the response, frank

    2. Nevil Avatar

      Yugo AK’s have a longer section of threaded barrel than other AK’s. Maybe if it’s too far onto the threads it’s messing with the cycling in that way.

  9. justin Avatar

    Have you ever tested the “flash can” type muzzle devices such as the one from universal or from kak. Thanks for your time and keep up the great work!

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      No yet…

    2. Lawrence L Schmidt Avatar
      Lawrence L Schmidt

      I have a Saiga AK74 that came in with thecap welded onto threads and the anti Gunner hunting stock configuration. I have remedied the stock issues now looking to get barrel threaded and a break, any recommendations for a break and should I keep it standard AK LH thread?

      1. Rob Ski Avatar
        Rob Ski

        It’s up to you man, if you want to stay within “AK family”, then get regular threads. Honestly, plenty of brakes to choose from…;-)

  10. Chad Johnson Avatar
    Chad Johnson

    To me it seems the srvv made the rifle handle the best .

  11. Matt Avatar

    Hey Rob,
    I just wanted to say great videos! I’m thoroughly enjoying watching (and rewatching) all the AKOU vids and reading the articles here. I just bought my first AK-47! I’m now looking at what muzzle device and I’ve come down to two options. Manticore Arms NightBrake vs Zenit DTK-2. Zenit gets some cool points but I’m having a hard time finding in depth reviews on it and it’s obviously much more expensive than the Manticore.

    I was just wondering what your opinion on the DTK-2 was (sorry if you’ve reviewed it in a video that I haven’t yet watched) and if you think it’s better for recoil reduction/limiting muzzle rise than the NightBrake.

    Thanks again.

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      DTK2 is awesome for recoil reduction – awesome. And not so awesome for using it with team…lol

      1. matt Avatar

        Hahaha it’s a good thing I don’t have friends then. 😉

        Out of curiosity if you could have any two muzzle devices what would they be? Maybe I’ll order a DTK for recoil reduction and another that’s better in different ways. The Krebs custom maybe.

        Thanks for your feedback!

  12. Robert Avatar

    The Venom Antidote is great for 7.62×39 but the Jet Brake is great for .308 Ak rifles. Why?
    The SRVV is heavy which mitigates the recoil of .308 Winchester in a 16″ barrel. That weight absorbs recoil.
    Two brakes for two calibers. I own both brakes. My SLR 101S uses the Venom Antidote while my Saiga .308 uses the SRVV Jet Brake.

  13. Chuck Bright Avatar
    Chuck Bright

    Outstanding Web site and always great information. Please keep up the good work!

  14. Vlad Avatar

    Hello Rob!
    How are you?
    Can you please describe me what accesories you have on this AK in this video?
    Can you also recommand me a top quality Red Dot device for the AK?
    Thank you in advance,

  15. James Avatar

    Hi Rob. Have you tried the Barrett Tanker brake?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Negative. Sorry.

  16. Blix Avatar

    Hey Rob,
    Thanks for all the great info!
    Have you tried a Kordon TT muzzle break?
    Thanks again,

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      No, sorry man, i have never used that brake

  17. Dean Avatar

    Thanks for your excellent videos. What is your favorite muzzle brake/ flash hider for an AK 74?

  18. Randy Britton Avatar
    Randy Britton

    I know you like the Definitive Arms “Fighter” Break for AK74, but is it also your favorite selection for recoil reduction for a Saiga Sporter Rifle converted to AK47, 7.62 x 39mm?

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      If you are looking for pure recoil reduction, get this: https://www.shop.akoperatorsunionlocal4774.com/searchquick-submit.sc?keywords=bd2

  19. Daniel Avatar

    I noticed all these are Left hand thread. Do you have a recommendation for a Right hand thread brake? Or an adapter to left hand thread?

  20. Daniel Avatar

    Hi Rob, I have a KUSA k103 SF the muzzle brake is RH thread. What brake do you recommend?
    Thanks for the info.

    1. Rob Ski Avatar
      Rob Ski

      Check CNC warrior – they have huge selection in 24mmRH brakes

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